I am an experienced digital marketer with 4+ years of relevant industry experience passionate about digital trends, ideas, and actions that deliver results. Skilled in planning and execution of marketing activities that drive brand awareness and leave an impact. I’ve developed a passion for uncovering data-driven stories and helping innovative businesses reach their full potential. I like to solve problems. My constant curiosity drives me to be a lifelong learner and go-getter.
The formal education gave me the structure but it wasn’t enough for me. That’s why I was part of the youth organization AIESEC for almost 6 years. This and organizations such as Stella Network are education for a lifetime. I was both mentee and mentor. I developed my soft skills, my leadership style, learned so much about teamwork and effective communication – something that formal education does not provide everywhere.
I believe that inspired women + newly developed skills are making a positive impact in this world. Everyone should be able to learn something new or be motivated!
I am more than thrilled to share my experience and knowledge on different topics. I think this kind of support and network shapes us to be better in so many good ways.