How to Write a Good CV
Your CV is your story. How you tell your story matters and it especially matters who your audience is. A common mistake we make is having the same CV for…
STEM E-Talks – April 24! | Let’s Talk Science
Stella Network is thrilled to announce that its first STEM E Talks will be held on Friday, April 24, 2020. Event will begin promptly at 4 p.m. CEST and run…
New Stella project focusing on women’s and girls’ entrepreneurship in rural communities
Stella starts a new project “Together We Rise: Entrepreneurship by Girls and Women in Lifting Rural Communities” that will offer training and mentorship support for women and girls from the…
Оваа студија е обид да се мапираат пречките и предизвиците со кои се соочуваат жените и девојките во Северна Македонија во академскиот и професионалниот живот. Наодите и заклучоците се засновани на…