I work as a project coordinator. My formal education (Executive MBA and a Bachelor degree in Communication Sciences) has given me the foundations and basic skills and knowledge that have helped me in my career. However, my real education, and the truly important lessons are something I have gained outside of the classroom, through personal experience, volunteering, observations of the people in my life, courses for self-development and different methods of non-formal education that helped my development to become the person I am today. This process has helped me confront both my strengths and weaknesses as a person and as a professional, and has aided me in addressing the aspects that I would like to change or improve. This continual process helps me both better understand and appreciate the people around me, but also value and appreciate myself for who I am, and who I strive to become. Although I was a bit of a sceptic, now I know, from personal experience, that there isn’t any goal in life that cannot be reached. What it takes is the right attitude, intention, self-discipline and persistence. There were times in my life when even I couldn’t believe that the goals I once found to be so unreachable were materializing in front of me. What drives me is sharing those experiences and helping others persist in their intentions and thrive in their lives. I would like to support others in maintaining a positive outlook in life, building constructive relationships and reaching their full potential.